

While you take advantage of the benefits of the Retina screen of our MacBook to work or watch movies, we can automatically switch to HD-TV resolution when starting the DVD player or to the usual resolution of the projector when opening Powerpoint. With SwitchResX it is very easy to adjust the resolution of your screen to suit any application or use. SwithResX allows us to interact with the application from the upper menu bar or from the icon of the application itself, functions that we detail below:

  • Supported Hardware: Intel or Apple Chip (M1) or PowerPC Mac.Advanced features allow us create and enable new resolutions for our monitor, HDTV, LCD or plasma screen or video projector.
  • Solves an issue where SwitchResX would save Finder icons positions before resolution changes, even if not asked, and this would lead to long response times on macOS 12+.
  • Solves an issue where the brightness was not correctly set and not correctly recorded in AppleScript editor.
  • Solves an issue when the display number was added twice to the display name.
  • Solves an issue when trying to get resolutions parameters on resolutions with similar frequencies.
  • Solves an issue where all displays would be noted having a notch if the first display has a notch (M1 Macs only, obviously).
  • switchresx

    Tries to be smarter when reading settings and matching displays for configuration with identical displays.Solves an issue where new created custom resolutions would not show in the list after reboot, on M1 Macs.Solves an issue where settings from a Display Set couldn’t be applied from AppleScript any more.Adds some properties to AppleScript dictionary when managing the DisplaySets.Changes the look for brightness and underscan sliders in the menus.


    Shows a full featured contextual menu with all options again, but separated from the Finder contextual menu, and shown with command key pressed on the Finder desktop.Also allows to sort the resolutions hierarchically in the preferences application Allows to display the resolutions in main menu with the different frequencies in submenus.Take complete control over your display resolution: Advanced features let you create and enable new resolutions for your monitor, HDTV, Plasma or LCD screen or Video Projector.Link your monitor settings with system events: Key shortcuts, Apple Scripts, Application launches and more.Keep a record of any change in screen setting automatically.Arrange desktop items on a much finer grid than Apple’ standard settings.


    Rename resolutions to regular and useful terms like Gaming, Documents, Graphics, Presentation, TV etc.Create and enable new custom resolutions to adapt to any available screen, including screens inbuilt into cars.Link screens to specific events like Key shortcuts, Applescript, Application launches and more.Disable or activate screens on demand, for example to use a Macbook in clamshell mode.Saving desktop layouts to get everything back into position right the moment, you jump back to a certain resolution.On top, SwitchResX includes a huge amount of additional functions, like.


    With SwitchResX you can keep control of your screen resolution and the way, every single app displays its content on your screen – or screens! Because SwitchResX mac crack can of course handle more than one screen totally individually, it gives you all the freedom and flexibility you need at any time. SwitchResX pops open in a separate window for easy access of its’ vast amount of functions, that outrun Apples inbuilt Monitor preference pane easily. When installed, SwitchResX Crack Mac sits in the Preference Panes and can be activated like any other of those helpers.


    No matter whether a MacBook Screen, an external monitor, a Retina display, a TV set or a beamer: SwitchResX Serial Number can handle them all if you want, straight from the menubar, a contextual menu or both. SwitchResX 2022 Mac is the most advanced tool for Apple computers to take control of any screen connected to the Mac.
